14 comments on “One Lovely Blog Award

  1. Haha! Teeth. 😀 That’s funny and awful. I think my son might have some mild version of that. I’ve never seen someone so FREAKED OUT by a wiggly tooth!

    Are you going to tell? The middle name, girl? We’re waiting… Hey, you brought it up.

    You’re not the worst commenter out there. I still haven’t commented on your H.P. post which is awesome. Just love it. Not to mention I’m in the middle of a meltdown over just that–keeping up with reading/commenting on blogs. Gah!

    So, thank you very much for including me in this list of fantastic bloggy writers. I am honored.

    P.S. It’s a Wonderful Life is watched in this house from December 1st through January something-or-other. I won’t tell you who watches. It’s a secret.

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    • The teeth thing really freaks me out which is sucking right now b/c my youngest has her first loosy. Your poor son, wiggly teeth are the worst because you get an actual visual instead of just a mental image.

      Hahahaha nice try on the middle name. I’ve only met one other with it, and she is who I was named after lol.

      Ok, so I am glad I’m not the only one experiencing reading/commenting crisis. I just never know what to say. Or fear what I do say is completely weird. And out there for the world to see. Like right now….

      My kids only let me get in one night if It’s a Wonderful Life, and occasionally I get to squeeze in A Miracle on 34th street. Wait, no secrets lol.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’ve just come back from some walking to find this and AJ you are officially a sweetie – a squinty sweetie, but a sweetie none the less.
    Hmm teeth. Don’t come here. The Textiliste ad a tea pot full of all our two children’s milk teeth – soz, I bet just reading that has you behind the sofa chewing a cushion and waving for earplugs. I guess you guys have the tooth fairy as we do? So how do you manage that?
    I do however understand being creeped out by little stuff. Again the Textiliste goes mental if there’s a loose button about. We all know not to leave any around or there’ll be blood. And I just cannot go near toenail clippings.
    As for middle names well in truth I’m jealous. My lousy brother has a middle name and I don’t. It annoyed me so much that I adopted Thomas (after the Tank Engine) when I was seven and only dropped it when I was about 12 and getting teased at school.
    Your comments are fine and dandy. Don’t change and don’t feel pressurised. As a mum (soz, mom) of youngsters you do well to stay awake let along blog!
    Jimmy Stewart is a HERO. As a kid we had old movies on TV Saturday afternoons and Jimmy Stewart westerns were staples – the Winchester 73 and the Man from Laramie being two household favs. And as for is Hitchcock collaborations… Rear window and Vertigo are brilliant. The man is underrated!
    Which brings us on to your kind words about me and m little blog. You are really far too kind. But I gladly accept.

    Liked by 2 people

    • The tooth fairy is definitely a staple here in the states! Though my kids were/are less excited about her and more with the fact that they had a loose tooth before or at the same time as another classmate. And sadly I am the worst fairy ever…. Because of my tooth aversion I try to avoid all thoughts of teeth therefore I tend to forget to exchange the tooth for the quarter. When I do make the exchange, I’m thoroughly grossed out and avoid looking at it until it’s tucked away safely out of sight.

      Hmm, I’ve never come across a button aversion. That sounds quite interesting!

      Now your brother having a middle name and you not was just not fair! I can only imagine the taunts my eldest would give my youngest if they didn’t not receive equal everything .

      I loved the movie Vertigo, but I read once that Jimmy Stewart felt that he was too old to play the part and it was not his favorite role. One of the first films I watched him in was the classic WhoDunit, After the Thin Man and The Philadelphia Story. He was brilliant!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Boring? Never! How can a fang-fearing woman with a mysterious misspelled middle name be boring? Not to mention, I read your fiction regularly and there’s nothing boring about your writing. You are lovely and thank you for including me in the lovely company. I am totally stealing your interpretation of the rules. Brilliant!

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  4. Pingback: October 1: Flash Fiction Challenge « Carrot Ranch Communications

  5. Congratulations on your award, Amber. Charli’s reference to your fear of teeth had me rushing over to investigate: quirky is never boring!
    As for blog comments, I know quite a few people who read my act NEVER comment, it’s quite a scary thing when you’re not used to it. Being a shy retiring soul, I’m amazed how much I do manage to comment on other blogs, but I often have that feeling of drying up, or just rambling, which might be what I’m doing now!


    • Thank you Anne! Aside from never knowing what to say in a comment, I am terribly slow when it comes to commenting.
      Unfortunately, I am one of those who read your blog, but never comment. I’m just hopeless lol.


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