14 comments on “Don’t Blink…

  1. I was right there with you on your walk as spring unfurls. You’re right, though — what we long wait for passes in a blink! Your flash made me realize why I find receding water unsettling. We see the struggle for thirst and know that we could next. Glad to have your contribution this week!


    • The drought had not really hit me until visiting a lake last year and it was devastating. Nearby we have a community park/pond that is being renovated but my family missed out on the memo so we were given quite a shock to see that it had been mostly drained, leaving a muddy graveyard of fish bones and shells. This was what I saw when thinking about how the world would turn brown lol.
      Thank you, glad to have been able to join in!


  2. Pingback: The Day the World Turned Brown « Carrot Ranch Communications

  3. Catching up and stopping by. This was a great story but a downer for a Wednesday! Water IS going to be a precious commodity in years to come. Spring has SPRUNG here – the daffies and red bud have gone by, but the dogwoods, azaleas, weeping cherry tree are in full bloom.

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