15 comments on “99 Word Flash Fiction Challenge {14}

  1. Well, makes me think twice about eating your food…
    But intriguing as ever, makes me want to read more of where that story was going

    And you know you will find your newfound rhythm when you need it the most!

    Oh, and KEEP WRITING! 😁


  2. Yes! You went with pissed off woman. Good choice! It’s so subtle, the last line about her leaving a mark. Not only a pissed off woman, but a battered one. Good use of details–the earthy smell of potatoes as they boil; her using the glass he smashed. Sharp writing. And I’m thrilled that you notice a difference in writing your WIP as you practice the constraints in flash. I’m still searching for that long “aaahh…” I think it’s elusive!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Charli!
      I am glad the my exploration of the senses came across. It is always a little nerve wracking to post a piece, even if small, for fear that no one else will see the picture I am trying to “paint”.
      I really do enjoy these flashes, Thank you!


  3. Ouch. That is fantastic. Glad you found time in your busy schedule to write this. (Ironically, this is the week I missed it because of mine.)


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