22 comments on “99 Word Flash Fiction Challenge {5}

  1. Marvelous! I’m standing up clapping (and the dogs are staring at me oddly). Such a beautiful portrayal of familiarity and longing. Your flash is like the wee blessing in the curse. What makes the fantastical believable are the details–face on worn scales, emotions, and thoughts that are universally human.

    As to stepping out of your comfort zone, I’m so glad that you are doing so! Truly the creative act of writing constantly calls us to do that. I like to think that together we are creating a safe environment for literature to emerge–a place where we can take writing risks and try something uncomfortable. It may lead to breakthroughs in our primary projects or give us new ideas we never considered. Like how a dragon could be a girl’s father–I’m thinking of how symbolic that is, like a busy parent who only takes time to be focused on his child once a year and how the child yearns for it.

    Reading writer reflections is so insightful for us all. My head is swirling with memoirists who’ve never tried fiction; other writers who say that they had to write fiction before they could ever write memoir; writers who come from so many backgrounds, professions and time zones yet find collective points of discussion.

    And don’t hesitate to comment! Like you said, this is a nice group of writers showing up to the page!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you!! This one was harder to just stop. I might have to explore the daughter and her dragon a bit further later on.

      I really enjoy reading everyone’s take on the prompts/ and hearing what others take away from my writing as well.

      Commenting will be one of those things I have to step out of my comfort zone on as well, being shy can be down right uncomfortable. 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      • Stopping can be hard! What I like about flash is that it helps me craft little scenes. Then I apply that to writing longer prose–scene by linked scene. It will be fun though to see if this leads you somewhere.

        I like the responses and comments, too. We’ll help you step out of being shy. I know, I was super shy as a kid and I still can have moments. I’m much more gregarious in writing than in person. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      • 1. IMHO, you should continue with the cursed girl and her dragon father.

        2. I just started commenting on people’s blogs recently. Waaay out of my comfort zone. As is most of this online stuff. Really. And, mostly, I feel like a fool when I do comment. I hesitate over the “post comment” button and sometimes just delete it. It’s getting easier. Like right now. I’m babbling and then I’m going to hit the post button and go have a beer. 🙂

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      • I’m not sure what IMHO, but I think I might try seeing where this story leads for sure. After I finish my WIP.

        Your #2 has me laughing. A lot. Because that is me 100%. This online stuff is all new to me (I just posted before even finishing, thank goodness for the edit button!). Well here is to figuring it out!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I look forward to reading more about daughter and her dragon father. Why is it their curse? I’m interested in their time coming to an end, as it can many times in a father/daughter relationship. Their relationship seems strong despite the once a year flight. Please continue exploring these two.


  2. This is awesome! Of course, I also love all things mythological and magical. Loved your “kid in a candy store” comment. I could NOT decide which creature I wanted to write about. But, also like you, I can not seem to write fantasy fiction. Or at least not very well. Love to read it though!


  3. A great piece A.J. The visual picture was vivid and you knew it was two people that loved each other so the suspense as to their relationship was with me until the end. I want to know more. Was Dad about to die? Why had he been turned into a dragon?
    Comments are what makes blogging interesting as you get different people ideas and perspectives. No-one is right or wrong with comments so there is no need to feel as though you haven’t anything to add. What you add is how you felt about a piece, memories that it bought back for you and anything else you wish to share. These are you and are as valuable as anyone else’s comments.


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